Keywords in File Names and URLs - Informationzs

Keywords in File Names and URLs

The domain name and the entire URL of a site inform a considerable measure concerning it. The assumption is that if your site is about seo, you will have "seo", "seo tutorials", or "seo" as a component of your domain name. Case in point, if your site is essentially about seo tutorials, it is much better to name your seo site "" than "", for instance, in light of the fact that in the first case you have two major keywords in the URL, while in the second one you have close to one potential minor keyword.

At the point when chasing for keyword rich domain names, don't get eager. While from a SEO perspective it is better to have 5 keywords in the URL, simply envision to what extent and hard to memorize the URL will be. So you have to strike a harmony between the keywords in the URL and site ease of use, which says that more than 3 words in the URL is an abundant excess.

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